Get to know us
Dear Parents
The purpose of the Youth Track Program is to teach skills in track and field, enable participants to see other athletes around Texas at an early age, and give participants an extra edge. We will travel to other cities to compete in track meets this summer.
Parents your participation is welcomed in monitoring your child's behavior during practice and at the track meets. We also want you to know our coaches are experienced and qualified in track and field.
The program enables participants to develop increased flexability, muscular strength, and endurance for the sport in which they participate. It also benefits participants by instilling confidencee and the ability to overcome fear at an early age.
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Watch the athletes arm motion, high knee action and form.
Track Practice
The practices will be held at the Permian High School Track from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays. The athletes need to bring water bottles and sun screen to practice. If the athletes should always wear their running shoes to practice and will only wear track spikes at specified times. The coaches will instruct them based on the sport they are participating in.

Time & Location
The practices will be held at the Permian High School Track from 6:30 pm to 8:00 pm on Tuesdays, Thursdays and Fridays.
Common Questions
What to expect
Kids will be placed into age divisions, so that boys and girls will be competing against their own age levels. The registration includes uniform and training. In addition, there will be entry fees for the athletes and guests for the Saturday meets. Since the temperture at the meets are usually hot, you may bring cools, unbrellas, and tents. Some meets charge to bring coolers into the stadium.
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