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Upcoming Region Circuit Meets

12 Jun, 16
18 Jun, 16
26 Jun, 16
7 Jul, 16
2016-07-7 08:30:00 2016-07-11 18:00:00 America/Chicago USATF Region 12 Meet Flying Lyons Track Meet McMurry University, 1400 Sayles Blvd,Abilene, TX 79605 TAAFF Add to Calendar
17 Jul, 16
2016-07-17 08:30:00 2016-07-18 18:00:00 America/Chicago T.A.A.F. Region 10 Meet (Qualifier) Flying Lyons Track Meet 1098 W Main St., San Angelo, TX 75067 USATF Add to Calendar
27 Jul, 16

From the Track

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Don't run behind from behind

by Flying Lyons on 21st May, 2016

Track and field has changed with the emergence of faster and stronger athletes. More races require decent foot speed to be competitive as in the 800m and the mile. This makes track more of a strategy in training athletes in order to utilize their strengths to become more competitive. In today’s era, if you try to run slow in the beginning and run from behind, most likely in a competitive race you will not catch up .

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